Location: Lynn, Massachusetts • Date: 7/2/10 • Standard Print (w & h): Image: 29.2" x 22.0"; Paper: 32” x 24"

This image of a woman is composed of 8 individual shots taken at 135mm. I was walking around Lynn, when I saw this woman sitting a stoop. I walked by, thinking that she would make a nice image, and then turned back to see if she would mind if I took her picture. When I asked her, she turned her head to look behind her, as if I were talking to someone else. She then said, "Who me? Why would you want to take my picture, I'm just an old lady." We talked for a while after I assured her that it was her picture I wanted. She told me about her husband who had died, and her eleven grand children. She finished by saying that she was waiting for the bus, which "might come any moment, or might never come."