Location: San Francisco, California • Date: 3/13/11 • Standard Print (w & h): Image: 21.4" x 22.0"; Paper: 24” x 24"

This image of San Francisco is composed of 27 individual shots taken at 400mm early on an overcast morning. I was standing on the Northwest corner of Sacramento and Mason Streets, so the building on the left side of this image was on the other side of Mason, about 50 feet from me. The brick building at the bottom of the hill is the Cable Car Museum. San Francisco's topography makes for wonderful views, and this one seemed to emphasize its ups and downs. The myriad colors also are somewhat unique to the city, which because of the risk of earthquakes, has few residential brick buildings. The jumble of houses and apartments create a busy sight, but when taken as a whole form a lovely and very human rug over the City's wonderful hills.