Location: Lee, Massachusetts • Date: 8/24/10 • Standard Print (w & h): Image: 30.5" x 21.5"; Paper: 36” x 24"

This image of a house on Summer Street above Lee, Massachusetts, is composed of 12 individual shots taken at 560mm. I had driven past this house for a number of days while on the way to an overlook which had a view East over the Berkshires. After passing it three times, I realized that the sunrise reflecting off the windows was a nice shot in itself, so I turned around and drove back down past the line trees on the right of the image. What I didn't realize was that this line of trees had not always ended with the trees I was photographing, but had continued along the side of the road for quite a distance before they were cut down. When pulling over to park, I caught one of the low stumps that was hidden in the grass on the bottom of the truck, however I got the image, and the truck pulled off the stump without and damage.